Free Ticket Exchange

We here at MyFreeConcert realize that you don't always get in to the show you so anxiously await. But not to fear, that is why the "Free Ticket Exchange" was born. For each of the pages simply post your email and the situation and hope that a good samaritan will give you their +1 or free ticket. Or if you like being a good person tell others you have an extra ticket to give away to one of our lovely readers.

This is NOT CRAIGSLIST. We do not in any way advocate selling or scalping of tickets of any kind. Especially if they are free shows. Sure, you can trade free +1s, but no selling for profit. Please. Be good.

If we don't have your ticket exchange listed, post a comment with the show on this page and any tickets you have extra of or seek to receive. Note that we can't cover everything and some situations might be impossible for any kind of accommodation.

One other thing. We often have leftover +1s or tickets to the bigger events. So don't be shy about it. We love giving our readers the real hookups.

But without further adieu, here are the ongoing listings.....

Ticket Exchange: Sleigh Bells + Rusko MTV Skins Warehouse Party, 1/14

Ticket Exchange: Jessie J, Don Hill's, 1/27

Ticket Exchange: Tonight's Black Eyed Peas show @ Terminal 5


  1. Anyone have a +1 to Lissie at Webster Hall NYC on Friday 1/28?

    please email me

  2. If anyone comes across Adele tix on the east coast can you please email me at

    Thank you!

  3. I am looking to take my girlfriend to Adele in So Cal for her birthday, she just moved out here. If there is anyone with tickets or a way for me to win them, let me know!!!!

  4. First time in New York ever @ baby bommin age! Stay between June 8, 3PM - June 13 12PM = ANYTHING in the Central Park Area PLEASE - it would make i and my boyfriend so happy - thankx in advance for any such generousity

  5. Love your exchange. Check out my facebook group: SinglesRock!

  6. Would love tickets to the Black Eyed Peas in Central Park on 6/9! If you can hook it up, please e-mail me at Keeping my fingers crossed...

  7. looking for kid cudi tickets if any one has to spare? all i need is a miracle, my email is
    thanks so much and i will make sure to pass it forward:)

  8. Looking to exchange 1 Kid Cudi (6/13) ticket for 1 Black Eyed Peas concert (6/9).
